[inside my head]
"A spider lives inside my head
Who weaves a strange and wondrous web
Of silken threads and silver strings
To catch all sorts of flying things,
Like crumbs of thought and bits of smiles
And specks of dried-up tears,
And dust of dreams that catch and cling
For years and years and years . . ."
"There Is A Voice Inside Of You
That Whispers All Day Long,
"I Feel That This Is Right For Me,
I Know That This Is Wrong."
No Teacher, Preacher, Parent, Friend
Or Wise Man Can Decide
What's Right For You- Just Listen To
The Voice That Speaks Inside."
“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Who weaves a strange and wondrous web
Of silken threads and silver strings
To catch all sorts of flying things,
Like crumbs of thought and bits of smiles
And specks of dried-up tears,
And dust of dreams that catch and cling
For years and years and years . . ."
"There Is A Voice Inside Of You
That Whispers All Day Long,
"I Feel That This Is Right For Me,
I Know That This Is Wrong."
No Teacher, Preacher, Parent, Friend
Or Wise Man Can Decide
What's Right For You- Just Listen To
The Voice That Speaks Inside."
“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
{"Sempre chegamos ao sitio aonde nos esperam"}

"vemos o abismo, está aí diante dos olhos e contudo avançamos para ele como uma multidão de lemmings suícidas, com a capital diferença de que, de caminho, nos vamos entretendo a trucidar-nos uns aos outros."
o eterno descanso, a viagem, o outro lado, padecer, falecer, deixar de viver, a morte, o destino mesmo antes de se nascer. porém, não é a morte que deve ser o cerne da questão, mas sim a vida que precede e continua independentemente do facto de existirmos ou não, mas condicionada por essa mesma existência.
o que fazemos e como fazemos, e todas as consequências das nossas acções têm um legado cujo impacto é imprevisível.
o que fazemos e como fazemos, e todas as consequências das nossas acções têm um legado cujo impacto é imprevisível.
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