"The sound of darkness was certainly intricately linked to the sense of being alone but unrelated to this was the sound of the palpitations of men and women experiencing the sense of utter solitude. There was no doubt about it. This was a sound audible only on evenings such as this." 
Shūsaku Endō, in The Girl I Left Behind

aleluia! aleluia!

Acho amar a coisa mais eterna que existe. Não há nada mais moderno. Mais transgressor. Mais ousado – e mais antigo - que isso. Num tempo onde as pessoas mal têm tempo, amar virou coisa de gente corajosa. Porque é preciso muito peito (e muito jogo de cintura) para seguir o que temos de mais criativo: o coração. 
Fernanda Mello

“as the hours, the days, the weeks, the seasons slip by, you detach yourself from everything. you discover, with something that sometimes almost resembles exhilaration, that you are free. that nothing is weighing you down, nothing pleases or displeases you. you find, in this life exempt from wear and tear and with no thrill in it other than these suspended moments, in almost perfect happiness, fascinating, occasionally swollen by new emotions. you are living in a blessed parenthesis, in a vacuum full of promise, and from which you expect nothing. you are invisible, limpid, transparent. you no longer exist. across the passing hours, the succession of days, the procession of the seasons, the flow of time, you survive without joy and without sadness. without a future and without a past. just like that: simply, self evidently, like a drop of water forming on a drinking tap on a landing.”
Perec, G., in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces (1936-1982)

[ Love & Respect ]

“one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
Beauvoir, S. (1908-1986), in The Second Sex

[ i demand poetry ]

"when i speak of poetry i am not thinking of it as a genre. poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality. so poetry becomes a philosophy to guide a man throughout his life…. [with poetry, one] is capable of going beyond the limitations of coherent logic, and conveying the deep complexity and truth of the impalpable connections and hidden phenomena of life."

Tarkovsky, A. (1932-1986)

* photo by Carins

o que n mata sana, sana, sana, cura, cura, cura...